Step 6: 👋 Introducing the fundraiser to the community
It is time to engage the students, families, and community on this fundraiser. This step is critical! This is the step that will determine how many potential donors are engaged to help your organization. Please reach out and let me know if you have any questions.
Communicating the fundraiser to parents & community
This is a generic FAQ for the parents I have put together:
This is a great example of an introduction from CTJ:
Communicating the fundraiser to the students
Your goal is to inspire over 90% of the group to create a long list of contacts. This is the director’s most important job! Participant participation is the largest component of success for this fundraiser. Why? The more contacts your organization engages the more earning potential!
The documents below will guide you through this process.
General instructions for the directors. READ THIS!
Contact Creation Instructions for student & families
Automated Reminders
Over the last several years I have been working hard to solve two problems.
- How do we engage potential donors beyond the kickoff to generate more donations?
- How do we bring in participants who just “Will not” engage potential donors via phone call or even sending text messages.
We have solved these problems with a feature named “Reminders”
As part of the campaign creation process participants and families enter contacts into the system via their “Backstage. When they do this the system will send text messages to those contacts on their behalf. To see how this works check out this video!
We are really proud of this feature because it brings more participants into the process and also increases your reach for more donations! It is a win-win feature!!!!
You will notice in the “Instructions for directors” & “Contact creation instructions for families” that the directors NEED to tell families and participants about this great new feature.
Call to Action
What I need for your team to do is :
- Build your engagement strategy for both families and your community.
- Introduce the fundraiser
- Inspire participants to participate!